WhakerPy 0.8


whakerpy.htmlmaker module


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   a Python library to create dynamic HTML content and web applications

               Copyright (C) 2023-2024 Brigitte Bigi, 
         Laboratoire Parole et Langage, Aix-en-Provence, France


Create an HTML tree and to serialize into a page.


HTMLMaker is a minimalist web framework that can be used to serve HTML content from Python applications. It does not support templating engines for generating HTML. Actually, this is a minimalistic system to work with an HTML Tree and to serialize it into an HTML page. The HTML content is then created fully dynamically.

Notice that neither the integrity of the tree nor the compliance with HTML standard are verified.

Typical usage example

>>> # Create a tree. By default, it contains a head node and a body.
>>> # The body is made of several children:
>>> #   body_header, body_nav, body_main, body_footer, body_script
>>> tree = HTMLTree("Home Page")
>>> # Add a title node to the main of the body with the generic method 'element'
>>> tree.element("h1")
>>> # Add a paragraph node to the main of the body
>>> p_node = HTMLNode(tree.body_main.identifier, "my_p_id", 'p', value="This is a paragraph.")
>>> tree.body_main.append_child(p_node)
>>> # Serialize the HTML tree into a string
>>> html_content = tree.serialize()
>>> # Serialize the HTML tree into a file
>>> tree.serialize("/path/to/my/file.html")

List of classes