WhakerPy 0.8


Module whakerpy.httpd

Class HTTPDHandler


Web-based application HTTPD handler.

This class is used to handle the HTTP requests that arrive at the server.

This class is instantiated by the server each time a request is received and then a response is created. This is an HTTPD handler for any Web-based application server. It parses the request and the headers, then call a specific method depending on the request type.

In this handler, HTML pages are supposed to not be static. Instead, they are serialized from an HTMLTree instance -- so not read from disk. The server contains the page's bakery, the handler is then asking the server page's bakery to get the html content and response status.

The parent server is supposed to have all the pages as members in a dictionary, i.e. it's a sppasBaseHTTPDServer. Each page has a bakery to create the response content. However, this handler can also be used with any other http.server.ThreadingHTTPServer.

The currently supported HTTPD responses status are:

  • 200: OK
  • 205: Reset Content
  • 403: Forbidden
  • 404: Not Found
  • 410: Gone
  • 418: I'm not a teapot


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def __init__(self, request, client_address, server):
    self.request = request
    self.client_address = client_address
    self.server = server

Public functions


Prepare the response to a HEAD request.

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def do_HEAD(self) -> None:
    """Prepare the response to a HEAD request."""
    logging.debug('HEAD -- requested: {}'.format(self.path))


Prepare the response to a GET request.

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def do_GET(self) -> None:
    """Prepare the response to a GET request."""
    logging.debug(' ---- DO GET -- requested: {}'.format(self.path))
    handler_utils = HTTPDHandlerUtils(self.headers, self.path, self.__get_default_page())
    self.path = handler_utils.get_path()
    mime_type = HTTPDHandlerUtils.get_mime_type(self.path)
    if os.path.exists(handler_utils.get_path()) or os.path.exists(handler_utils.get_path()[1:]):
        content, status = handler_utils.static_content(self.path[1:])
    elif mime_type == 'text/html':
        content, status = self._bakery(handler_utils, dict(), mime_type)
        content, status = handler_utils.static_content(self.path[1:])
    self._response(content, status.code, mime_type)


Prepare the response to a POST request.

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def do_POST(self) -> None:
    """Prepare the response to a POST request."""
    logging.debug(' ----- DO POST -- requested: {}'.format(self.path))
    handler_utils = HTTPDHandlerUtils(self.headers, self.path, self.__get_default_page())
    self.path = handler_utils.get_path()
    events, accept = handler_utils.process_post(self.rfile)
    content, status = self._bakery(handler_utils, events, accept)
    self._response(content, status.code, accept)


Override. For a quiet handler pls!!!.

  • code
  • size
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def log_request(self, code='-', size='-') -> None:
    """Override. For a quiet handler pls!!!."""

Private functions


Set the HTTPD response headers.

  • status: (int) A response status.
  • mime_type: (str) The mime type of the file response


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def _set_headers(self, status: int, mime_type: str=None) -> None:
    """Set the HTTPD response headers.

        :param status: (int) A response status.
        :param mime_type: (str) The mime type of the file response

        :raises: sppasHTTPDValueError

    status = HTTPDStatus.check(status)
    if mime_type is not None:
        self.send_header('Content-Type', mime_type)


Make the appropriate HTTPD response.

  • content: (bytes) The HTML response content
  • status: (int) The HTTPD status code of the response
  • mime_type: (str) The mime type of the file response
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def _response(self, content: bytes, status: int, mime_type: str=None) -> None:
    """Make the appropriate HTTPD response.

        :param content: (bytes) The HTML response content
        :param status: (int) The HTTPD status code of the response
        :param mime_type: (str) The mime type of the file response

    self._set_headers(status, mime_type)
    if status == 410:


Process the events and return the html page content or json data and status.

  • handler_utils: (HTTPDhandlerUtils)
  • events: (dict) key=event name, value=event value
  • mime_type: (str) The mime type of the file response
  • tuple(bytes, HTTPDStatus) the content of the response the httpd status
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def _bakery(self, handler_utils: HTTPDHandlerUtils, events: dict, mime_type: str) -> tuple:
    """Process the events and return the html page content or json data and status.

        :param handler_utils: (HTTPDhandlerUtils)
        :param events: (dict) key=event name, value=event value
        :param mime_type: (str) The mime type of the file response

        :return: tuple(bytes, HTTPDStatus) the content of the response the httpd status

    if hasattr(self.server, 'page_bakery') is False:
        return handler_utils.static_content(self.path[1:])
    content, status = self.server.page_bakery(handler_utils.get_page_name(), self.headers, events, handler_utils.has_to_return_data(mime_type))
    return (content, status)

Protected functions


Get the default page in case if the url doesn't specify any page.

  • (str) the default page name
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def __get_default_page(self) -> str:
    """Get the default page in case if the url doesn't specify any page.

        :return: (str) the default page name

        default = self.server.default()
    except AttributeError:
        default = 'index.html'
    return default